So...I've decided to move back here! (2024)

Rest in Power, (~2020-2023-ish)! 

It was a lovely site (TY, hubby, for building it!), and it had many readers from around the globe. I am grateful for it. But...

Aside from the fact that since I unfortunately have stalkers the site was repeatedly being hacked and forced offline, at a certain point I just felt a bit overexposed. (While I recognize that is largely my own doing as I am the one who has placed myself in various positions to be a somewhat public figure, it became draining in various ways.) 

My writing has always been a combination of my personal journal and an effort to raise awareness; it has never been only one or the other, and it likely never will be.  However, the site was about more than just my writing; it contained a lot of other content related to my research and advocacy work. And while there is nothing wrong with that at all, as time passed, it seemed at times that the writer part of me became less active as other elements of me grew.  

I have since decided to lean more into my identity as a writer, as reading/writing is truly my "native" language. My other work will continue through the efforts of my nonprofit, Advocacy Without Borders. I believe in and I am proud of that work. But I need a dedicated place just for writing...not tied to any particular cause or purpose. Maybe I'll wake up and I'll feel like writing a cheesy poem about MCU characters or I want to muse over R&B song lyrics or decide to start analyzing the Planet of the Apes films or something; who knows?

I pretty much abandoned this site for ~five years. But even when it was active, it never had the massive readership my other site did. That's okay, though. It's never been about going viral for me/being known. It's always been about authenticity. So while I appreciate anyone who wants to read/share anything I've written, I would still write if not a single soul chose to read it. It's my voice.

Basically, I have decided that my writing and I want to return "home." So I am going to republish all most of the articles that were on the MorenikeGO site here, and if/when I feel like writing about something, new material will appear here. Please be patient with accessibility fails as I'm sure that I will need to update links that are no longer active and there will probably unfortunately be missing alt text and stuff like that, which I hate and will try to correct as I can. And obviously there's nothing fancy-looking about this site either; it's pretty plain.

Thanks for your anticipated consideration, and if you are a new reader, welcome. If you are a returning reader, thanks for your support.

It's good to be home!